Sunday, May 02, 2021

The Martian Chronicles (1980)

 This is a delayed logging.

Mini-series in three episodes:
(1) The Expeditions (viewed on May 24, 2020)
(2) The Settlers (viewed on May 25, 2020)
(3) The Martians (viewed on May 27, 2020)

Previously viewed in an abridged version on June 30, 1991.

IMDB shorter summary: "In the 21st century, Earth begins the colonization of Mars. However, things do not go as planned, at first due to the hostile Martian natives and later because of the self-destructive Earthmen."

Despite having better than average production values for a TV mini-series, I couldn't bring myself to like this, mainly due to my natural antipathy towards its literary author. I don't consider him a real science-fiction writer, seeing as his writing is guided mostly by his sentimental obsessions without much (or perhaps any) regards to real scientific or even political issues. The time lapse between my viewing and now makes it impossible for me to deepen my analysis.

Rating: 32 (up from 17, but not really comparable since I saw two different versions)

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