Tuesday, December 01, 2020

La jument verte (1959)

Based on the novel by Marcel Aymé, first published in 1933.

English title: The Green Mare

Two rural families develop a rivalry which grows into a frank enmity due to a wartime incident. Years later, the young daughter of one of the families becomes enamored of the young son of the other. When a letter containing references to that aforementioned incident goes missing, things take an unexpected turn.

This is one of the most outrageous films I have seen, on account of the behavior of some of its characters. It's not exactly the most interesting, let alone exciting one, but I confess I found it entertaining enough. It was criticized at the time for its unflattering depiction of peasants, and I wouldn't know whether it's reliable as a sociological study of peasant life. But what matters in fiction is plausibility, and I think the film acquits itself nicely at that. There is a review in French (by Frédéric Mercier) which I think covers a wide range of aspects of this film; it may be read here.

Rating: 51

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