Friday, November 20, 2020

Les compères (1983)

 English title: The ComDads

When her teenage son runs away from home, a woman contacts one former fling, an investigative journalist, and tells him that he is the kid's biological father. As he doesn't seem convinced, she contacts another of her former flings, a depressive guy, and tells him the same. He in turn seems very excited with the idea and starts to search for the boy. It so happens that the journalist guy has a job in the same city where the boy is supposed to be, and the two men end up meeting and joining efforts in the search.

Dull comedy which quite inexplicably was a huge box-office success in France. In Brazil, on the other hand, exhibitors didn't see any revenue potential and it wasn't shown theatrically. Fourteen years later there was a remake which was slightly less dull than the original (you can read my review here).

Rating: 31

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