Saturday, August 01, 2020

Golias Contra o Homem das Bolinhas (1969)

Augusto is a poor office worker who is bullied by his wife at home. He meets a prostitute in a bar and gets her telephone number. He sets a date with her at her apartment and, when he gets there, finds her dead. He becomes the main suspect of having murdered her.

The main actor in this film is billed second to a famous TV comic whose real name appears in the film's title. It's a mostly predictable and tame comedy in which the unassertive protagonist gets involved in a lot of trouble; there's also a poorly-done sequence featuring the protagonist riding in the sidecar of a motorcycle driven by the semi-idiot played by the top-billed comic. This is yet another entry in the prolific Lima's career, this time unusually exploring the cityscapes of São Paulo instead of his native Rio de Janeiro.

Rating: 31

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