Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler (1922)

English titles: Dr. Mabuse the Gambler; Dr. Mabuse, King of Crime.

Second viewing of the first part; first viewing of the second.

An archcriminal uses hypnosis to win at card games; he is a master of disguise, and also manipulates the stock market and runs a money counterfeiting operation. A police inspector (here for some reason called 'state prosecutor') investigates his crimes and, little by little, arrives at his true identity.

Very well made criminal drama, with stunning interiors and brilliantly executed exteriors as well. The text is juvenile in its ideas, and has a terrible credibility problem in the way the titular character performs his psychological manipulations, seeing as he apparently doesn't even have to be near his victims to hypnotize them, among other inconsistencies. The existing ideological interpretations of the main character are somewhat disparate; you can read a summary of them on the film's Wikipedia page and decide for yourself which ones are reasonable.

Rating: 60

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