Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Night of the Creeps (1986)

Second viewing; first viewing with the original audio; previously seen dubbed in Portuguese on May 18, 1996.

In 1959, a canister from outer space lands on Earth, releasing strange wormlike creatures. A college student swallows one of those creatures just before he is killed by a mad man. His body is cryogenically preserved until 1986, when it is unfrozen by another college student who was looking for a corpse as part of a task he had to perform in order to join a fraternity. The corpse turns into a zombie who ends up releasing the creatures again.

Feeble attempt at emulating 1950s and 1960s horror and sci-fi b-movies. It is neither an out-and-out parody nor a seriously scary horror film. It's not exactly painful to watch, but has little in the way of a really interesting take on older movies.

Rating: 35 (down from 45)

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