Wednesday, January 16, 2019

É de Chuá! (1958)

Two guys need money to buy costumes for their Samba School (Escola de Samba), without which they will not be able to join the Carnival parade. Through the girlfriend of one of them, they hear about a woman who has spent a large sum of money on a Carnival costume. They decide to go over to her house and ask her for a donation. To their misfortune, said woman is really the wife of a thief and swindler who is throwing a jewel exhibition party as a set-up for stealing the jewelry after the show. The Samba School duo manage to enter the thief's house just before the jewel show. One of them mistakes the jewels for candies and ends up swallowing a valuable diamond.

Routine musical comedy with lots of musical numbers, none of them especially noteworthy. The comedy plot revolves mostly around the problem of making the protagonist expel the jewel he has swallowed. It's all very simple-minded and predictable.

Rating: 31

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