Tuesday, October 02, 2018

The Last Starfighter (1984)

Second viewing; first viewed between 1983 and 1986.

A video game whiz has just received word that his student loan request has been denied. He lives in a trailer park and had dreams of going to a college in another town. He is tired of being his community's handy man and having no fun and no life prospects. His girlfriend, on the other hand, is afraid that he will go away and leave her. One night, after he breaks the performance record on a video game, a stranger in a car appears to take him away to a secret place. He soon finds out he is going to take part on a real space war analogous to the one he fought in the video game he played.

Mildly entertaining sci-fi comedy, nicely paced and technically well done. There is nothing especially memorable in it, and the proof is that I watched it for the second time and didn't remember a thing.

Watched it in pan-and-scan, same as my previous viewing.

Rating: 45 (unchanged)

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