Friday, October 28, 2016

A nagy füzet (2013)

English title: The Notebook

Based on the novel Le grand cahier, by Ágota Kristóf, first published in 1986.

During World War 2, a pair of identical twins is sent to live with their rude grandmother, who was estranged from the family. The boys engage in a series of exercises intended to strengthen their character. They befriend a girl living in the vicinity of their house. They go through a series of experiences that constitute their coming-of-age in those brutal times.

I struggled with the above synopsis... Anyway, this is a stupid movie. Don't bother. The greatest douchebag in present times has written a review of the source novel; perhaps it will give you a better idea of this movie than I am able to, so read it here.

Rating: 15

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