Sunday, July 31, 2016

Carnaval em Lá Maior (1955)

Musical comedy. The semblance of a plot revolves around a guy who romances a girl and later marries her. There are some scenes at a school for actors, at which  the girl lives for a while after her house burns up.

This follows the pattern for musical comedies in Brazil from the 1930s onward: a thin plot as a mere excuse for a succession of random musical numbers featuring radio stars (at that point in time, possibly TV stars as well). It has a slightly freer than usual approach to humor, evoking at times the Marx Brothers' style. One subplot borrows the central idea from On demande un assassin. Apparently, only a fragment of the original movie was exhibited, as a scene involving a furniture salesman is mentioned on the literature but is absent from the copy I saw; possibly that scene was lost (this is a newly restored copy). Another possibility is that it was cut by the TV channel.

Rating: 31

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