Sunday, March 20, 2016

A Família Lero-Lero (1953)

Second viewing; first viewed on November 15, 1992

Based on the play by Raimundo Magalhães Jr., first performed in 1941

A civil servant is constantly mistreated by his wife and leeched upon by his two sons and daughter who dream of impossible careers instead of settling down on modest yet reliable jobs. At work things are no better: he is a poorly paid civil servant who endures terrible working conditions. One day he decides to get away from it all.

Comedy which satirizes the Brazilian lower middle class and the infernal public service which was (and, in at least some aspects, still is) typical of that country. It is above-average for Brazilian standards in comicity and technical accomplishment. Its main actor, by his physical traits and demeanor, looks remarkably Japanese.

Rating: 56 (unchanged)

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