Friday, December 04, 2015

A Grande Cidade (1966)

Second viewing; first viewed on February 21, 1988

English title: The Big City

A young woman from poor Northeastern Brazil arrives in Rio de Janeiro in search of her fiancé who had left earlier and had promised to send for her but never did. In the big city she is befriended by a man who makes a living out of petty thefts and odd jobs. He finds her a place to live with a construction worker who is also a migrant from the Northeast. She learns that her fiancé is now a big criminal wanted by the police.

An examination of the plight of the migrant. Both imagery and dialog are strongly stylized away from realism, with moderately interesting results. A similarity in style with Italian Westerns is detectable in the form. The good camerawork and overall command of the technique is impressive for a Brazilian movie, but the script leaves something to be desired.

Rating: 51 (down from 60)

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