Saturday, November 21, 2015

Crônica da Cidade Amada (1965)

Second viewing; first viewed on April 23, 1990.

Omnibus with eleven segments adapted from short literary texts, with the aim of jointly providing a panoramic and humorous view of social, cultural and natural aspects of the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Quite well-made by Brazilian standards, and featuring interesting takes on Rio's quirks. It suffers a bit from not being able to fully translate the literary element to the cinematic one. While it is far from a masterpiece, it is just as far from being the painful nullity that I perceived it to be on my first viewing. What was painful, however, was the laterally cropped version that I saw on TV, which I hesitate to call "pan-and-scan" as it leaves characters out of the frame with an annoying frequency.

Note: all evidences point to IMDB being in error while assigning 1964 as the year of release.

Rating: 51 (up from 21)

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