Friday, August 22, 2014

McLintock! (1963)

A big rancher faces a series of concomitant problems: his wife, from whom he was separated, comes to visit him about divorce and the custody of their daughter; there is a Comanche riot concerning the trial of some chiefs (he sides with the Comanche); the government has granted tracts of land to farmers in the neighboring area, who may have a negative political influence in the region, and also may have been misled by (in his opinion) economically unrealistic assumptions; and some other minor ones.

Western which constitutes a sort of overview of conservative tenets. Energetic handling of women, mistrust of government, sensible and fair economic principles, and some other minor ones, are themes which get woven into the comical plot. The film is well directed and mildly enjoyable, but somehow films with a clear political affiliation do not seem to be able to achieve great art. Perhaps this can only be done by transcending the division of the political spectrum into Left and Right. Anyway, my understanding of such matters is, at best, a work in progress.

Rating: 55

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