Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Horse Soldiers (1959)

Second viewing; the first one was on October 8, 1990.

The American Civil War. The North decides to send a battalion (or whatever name applies to the group in question) behind enemy lines to destroy a railroad which is vital for sending supplies to the Southern troops. One of the dramatic points is the conflict between the expedition leader and the medic which attends the outfit.

Pretty good, albeit very standard in practically every way, and of course that means it is quite unbelievable in some of them. As usual, Wayne steals the show, with his seemingly effortless performance which impresses even when he is obliged to behave in the most melodramatic fashion. The cinematography is very pleasing to the eye, and I could notice this even from my low-speed VHS recording which was made from television more than 10 years ago.

Rating: 61 (unchanged)

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