Sunday, January 27, 2013

Detective Story (1951)

Second viewing.

A day at a police precinct, with the various characters -- policemen, criminals and newspapermen -- who usually are found in such a place. The central plot line concerns a police detective who is investigating a crooked doctor, unaware that his wife has a connection with him.

An engaging movie, albeit a problematic one. One of the problems stems from the bowdlerization to which the film writers submitted the source play. In the play, the doctor is an abortionist, as is obvious that he should be, for the story to make sense. In the movie, he is an obstetrician, and his crimes are a little vague: he is responsible for several deaths, but we do not know whether he does not have a license, or is just plain incompetent. Even imagining the original set-up, the film's central dramatic situation comes off as a little dated. Once the viewer makes concessions for those problems, the film has enough qualities of text and direction to make for a pleasant experience.

Rating: 57 (up from 40)

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