Saturday, February 13, 2010

Precious: Based on the Novel 'Push' by Sapphire (2009)

An overweight African-American teenage girl, pregnant for the second time from her father, and living with her abusive mother who does not work, finds a way out of her prison-like life when she is led to an alternative school.

There is not much besides the exposition of the basic dramatic point, which is a portrait of certain social sores which were supposedly prevalent in the eighties. Most of the development relies on very simple devices, and we could reduce the whole plot to one sentence: girl is abused until she says enough. To evoke a theme brought out in the movie, this film's style stands in relation to the art of cinema just as 'fast food' does in relation to culinary. But it is slightly more nourishing than some related product such as Juno, for example.

Rating: 40

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