Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Saddle Tramp (1950)

Synopsis (spoilers): Chuck, a cowboy and a drifter, is riding to California and decides to drop by on his friend along the way. He finds that his friend's wife has died leaving him four boys to look after. Chuck is staying overnight and while he is drowsing his friend goes out to check on a noise. He takes Chuck's horse to go after a coyote but the horse bucks after a shot and Chuck's friend falls and dies. Chuck reluctantly decides to take the children with him and look after them. He employs himself as a cowboy at a ranch but has to hide the children because the owner is not fond of children. A series of cattle thefts are occurring there and the rancher suspects of the neighboring rancher. Meanwhile a teenage girl who is running away from her sexually abusive uncle takes refuge in the children's camp. Chuck finds out that the thefts are being committed by both ranchers' foremen in alliance. After all is cleared up and the bad guys are dealt with, Chuck marries the girl (she's actually 19) and all of them live happily everafter.

Appraisal: Interesting little western, very humorous and light.

Rating: 51

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