Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Brás Cubas (1985)

Synopsis: The film tells, in the form of an autobiography written after the author is dead, the life of Brás Cubas, an ordinary upper-class guy living in Rio de Janeiro in the late 19th century. His first love, a prostitute; his college education in Portugal; his engagement to a politician's daughter, who eventually favored a more determined rival; his frustrated political ambitions; his love affair with his married ex-fiancée; his reencounter with his childhood friend Quincas Borba, the creator of the "humanitist" philosophical system.

Appraisal: Scarse on intelligent filmic ideas and probably insignificant to those who haven't read Machado de Assis's stupendous novel ("Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas", 1st ed. 1881). And it is Cotrim, not Brás, who says "I don't want charity" during the inheritance division.

Rating: 25

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