Saturday, November 17, 2007

Os Paqueras (1969)

English title: The Girl Watchers.

Synopsis: The film narrates the adventures of two womanizer friends, a young one and a middle-aged one. Their friendship is jeopardized when the younger one meets a certain young woman and falls in love with her.

Appraisal (mild spoiler): In spite of the parading of gorgeous women and the chance of seeing glimpses of Rio de Janeiro in the late 60's, this film is mostly dull; some rare distinctive moments can be seen amid the predominantly unimaginative set-pieces, for instance at an interesting scene where a woman and her lover are taken under arrest for adultery (I wonder if this kind of arrest has ever occurred in real life in Brazil) and a crowd outside her building cheers them enthusiastically and boos the betrayed husband with equal enthusiasm; the scene is a faithful depiction of the peculiar kind of values held by a significative portion of the Brazilian population. The finale sequence at the beach when the older man meets the young couple is surprisingly well done, especially so when one considers how easy it would have been to spoil it.

Rating: 31

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