Sunday, May 13, 2007

L'écrin du rajah (1906)

Synopsis: In the rajah's palace, gifts are being brought, expensive jewels, which are put inside a chest. The chest disappears, causing general panic. A search is conducted in the porch and they see a man mounted on a flying dragon, carrying the chest with him. The rajah and his old servant go out in search for the bandit's hideaway place. They finally find it: it is a cave in a mountain. They invade it and kill the bandit. When they open the chest, instead of the jewels, they see a woman emerge from it. At the woman's command, several dancers appear out of nowhere and start dancing. They return to the palace and there the dancers do one more dance; the jewels reappear and are distributed among the dancers.
Appraisal: This early film has nice visuals: the sets are elaborate and grandiose and the costumes are beautifully hand-colored. The tricks are simple.

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