Saturday, November 25, 2006

The Omega Code (1999)

Synopsis: A motivational speaker, young and brilliant, accepts the invitation to become a minister for a media-mogul-turned-chairman-of-the-European-Union. But the latter is an ambitious and unscrupulous man who has stolen an algorithm that can decode prophetic messages in the Bible.
Appraisal: It is a fact that Hitler read his own name in Nostradamus and that this reinforced his insane plans. This film has a similar premise, but here it has a difference in that it takes the prophecies seriously, and thus is as insane as its protagonist. It also resorts to supernatural in a matter-of-factly way -- people disappear and then reappear in a different place, wounds are healed instantaneously, people resurrect. It adheres to all the thriller conventions, but is totally incompetent in providing decent action or suspense.
Rating: 5

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