Monday, April 25, 2011

Wolf (1994)

A book editor is bitten by a wolf and becomes a werewolf. Concurrently to that, he is facing professional and conjugal problems.

The main reason to watch this film is its excellent score. Aside from that, it is a moderately interesting drama about Art versus Capitalism, developed in terms of a blend between The Wolf Man and La belle et la bĂȘte.

Rating: 52

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Big Sky (1952)

A group of hunters go up the Missouri river challenging the monopoly of a fur company. They have a Native American woman with them as hostage who will help them to sell their furs to her Native American friends.

It seems I did not like this as much as everybody else did. To concentrate on the good things, the film is reasonably entertaining and well acted. It is also visually pleasant (although I saw it in an awful TCM copy, mutilated to boot). It's essentially just a juvenile adventure movie, though.

Rating: 53

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Love Affair (1994)

Sports commentator meets singer/musician/decorator on a plane. Plane makes an emergency landing and they board the same ship. Both are engaged to somebody else. They vow to meet three months later.

A second remake. The film's plot is clever, but could only appear right in 1939, when the first version came out. The second version (1957, I think) already seemed stale, but had the color novelty as a justification. This third version is an altogether mad enterprise. The first section is perhaps the better part of the film and has a light comedic tone. The middle section with the aunt tries hard to "update" the material, making said aunt speak in candid terms (a "fuck" is uttered) about monogamy and its alternative. The remainder of the film does not offer anything new, and is therefore a complete bore.

Rating: 31

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Forced Vengeance (1982)

A casino employee avenges the murder of the casino owner, ordered by a mobster whose buying offer was refused.

I guess some people go for its marginal comicity (which some of these people will claim is not marginal at all). Others will only be fully awake at the fighting sections. Being human, I am not totally insensitive to either of those aspects. But I am not very enthusiastic about them.

Rating: 31

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Three Stooges: third batch

Back to the Woods (1937)
Pardon My Scotch (1935)
Oil's Well That Ends Well (1958)
The Three Troubledoers (1946)
Fuelin' Around (1949)
Hugs and Mugs (1950)
I Can Hardly Wait (1943)
Cash and Carry (1937)